Expert Overview
- Prices that seem too low usually don’t include labor, window removal, or warranty.
- Do your research on companies, read reviews, and prepare a list of questions to ask.
- Beware of piecemealing your window purchase (buying windows and installation separately) because a window is advertised at a cheap price.
You want to pay a fair price for your windows. You also love the idea of getting a deal. Sales and limited time offer promotions are a great way to lure customers. But how do you know when a deal is just too good to be true?
We’ve got four tips to help you prevent buyer’s remorse or getting taken advantage of.
1. Do your research before you buy.
Factors such materials, design, functionality, factory location, years in business, and warranty coverage can all affect the price of your replacement windows. Look on company websites to research their products and history, as well as looking at consumer reviews. This will help you know the questions to ask (and the answers you are looking for) during sales consultations.
2. Beware of the $189 window.
These deals are usually too good to be true. The bare bones price may start at $189 for an entry level window, but the company then adds a charge for removal and disposal of old windows, adds costs for installation, and sneaks the cost of the warranty into the fine print.
3. Beware of the DIY companies.
Seeing a $400 window at a hardware store may look enticing and inexpensive, but keep in mind that labor is not included. Do you know how to install your own windows? If not, you’re looking at an additional expense—which may cost more than the materials. Also take note of the warranty on the labor, and consider whether or not you think they’ll be in business many years from now if a problem occurs.
4. Beware of claims like, “strongest most durable window on the market.”
While these claims sound great, there are many factors that play into the claim. Be sure to compare materials (such as type of vinyl) and beware of high prices.
For more tips on buying new windows, download our Windows Buyer’s Guide.